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China backs off on Myanmar

In China, Myanmar (Burma), Russia on October 12, 2007 at 11:53 am

One day after endorsing a unanimous United Nations security council resolution urging Myanmar to rein in its violent tactics and engage in genuine dialogue with political opposition, China’s foreign minister said Myanmar’s political issues are purely its own.

Yesterday’s non-binding resolution was the first action taken by the security council in response to Myanmar’s violent repression of pro-democracy protests last that brought hundreds of thousands into the streets last month.

At least 10 people were killed and hundreds arrested and taken to secret camps around the country. The Democratic Voice of Burma, an opposition radio station operating from Norway, says that a 48-year-old political activist, U Than Aung, has died from being beaten while in custody.

Even before today’s backing off, China and Russia were instrumental in watering down yesterday’s resolution, stripping away language about releasing political prisoners.

Back in January, the two countries cast a rare double veto on a resolution that called for roughly the same thing.

China and Russia both have enormous investments with the junta that runs Myanmar, from gas exploration interests to billions of dollars of military technology. Russia has repeatedly attempted to sell a light nuclear reactor to the Myanmar government.

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