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Iraq’s refugees out of options

In Iraq, Jordan, Syria on October 16, 2007 at 11:04 am

Most Iraqi provinces have shut their borders to refugees trying to avoid violence in other parts of the country. Ten of Iraq’s 18 provinces — roughly analagous to counties — have either closed their borders to outsiders or deny them aid once they arrive.

About 60,000 Iraqis are forced to leave their homes every month, and about 4.5 million have been displaced since the United States-led coalition invaded Iraq in 2003.

Last year, 535 Iraqi refugees were granted asylum in the US. Thirty were allowed into Britain.

More than 1.5 million Iraqis who managed to escape the country entirely have gone to Syria, and about half a million went to Jordan. But six weeks ago, Syria closed its border to all except the wealthiest and most educated Iraqis.

Jordan closed most of its border crossings earlier this year.

With no effective political leadership or security apparatus, Iraq has been riven by violence as competing political groups and militias strive for dominance.

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